If you have any questions that are not answered below go ahead and send them in via the Contact Us page.
Do I need Permission/approval for changing something to my house/property?
The short answer here is Yes if it can be seen from the street. There are some nuances, but head over to our Improvement Requests page and see if that provides you with the clarity you need. If not, you can always reach out to CAM with the specifics for some guidance.
Can i do something about barking dogs?
Barking dogs fall under the CCRs in the form of noise and nuisance. You can send CAM a report with details to begin the process of enforcement. If you're looking for an immediate solution 311 is going to be the place to start as it also falls within city noise ordinances and/or animal treatment.
for more on pets in Grand Oaks
for more on pets in Grand Oaks
do I have to put my dog on leash?
Yes. Both the CCRs and city regulations require dogs to be on leash at all times. This can be a very difficult thing to enforce as we would need to know who the owner is to be able to begin any CCR enforcement. Police officers can also cite people for having their dog off leash, but they have to be present to do so.
for more on pets in Grand Oaks
for more on pets in Grand Oaks
WHat is the HOA Board/ CAM/ Association Management?
All homeowners in Grand Oaks belong to the home owners association. The organization helps maintain and support the Grand Oaks neighborhood common areas and facilities, as well as enforcing CCR's. CAM is the Association Management company hired by the HOA to fulfill various duties which cannot be handled by the volunteer HOA board. CAM operates under the direction of the board.
For more information on the HOA and Association Management, click here.
For more information on the HOA and Association Management, click here.
When Is Trash Pick Up/ Bulk Pick up?
The best resource for information on Trash, Recycling and Refuse is to visit the City Of Austin website: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/residential-trash-collection
When is Trash/ Recycling/ Compost Pick-Up?
When is Bulk Trash Pick-Up?
Have an item that you think someone else may want?
When is Trash/ Recycling/ Compost Pick-Up?
- Except for shifted holidays, trash and compost pick up is every Monday. Recycling is every other Monday.
- You can get a schedule at: https://www.austintexas.gov/page/my-collection-schedule
- We highly recommend getting the app created by Austin Resource Recovery: download the new Austin Recycles App for your Apple or Android device.
When is Bulk Trash Pick-Up?
Have an item that you think someone else may want?
- Austin Reuse Directory: https://theaustincommon.com/austin-reuse-directory/
- Austin Buy Nothing - for the Grand Oaks area: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2385768151521180/
- Clothing & housewares curbside pickup: http://austintexas.gov/department/clothing-housewares-curbside-collection
Can I rent my house as a short-term rental or air bnb?
Homes in Grand Oaks may not be listed for short-term rentals, for use as an AirBnB or made available as a homestay property. No lease in Grand Oaks may be for less than 6 months, per the CCRs.
4 03 Rentals Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent the rental of any Lot and the Improvements thereon by the Owner thereof for residential purposes, provided that all rentals must be for terms of at least SIX (6) months.
4 03 Rentals Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent the rental of any Lot and the Improvements thereon by the Owner thereof for residential purposes, provided that all rentals must be for terms of at least SIX (6) months.
Can I have a sign in my yard?
Most signs are not allowed in Grand Oaks.
Temporary signs allowed:
CCR's: 3.10: Signs
Political Signs: TX Property Code Section 202.009
Temporary signs allowed:
- declaration a property is for sale or for rent
- marketing/ notice of construction or other related activities
- political signs posting on or after the 90th day before an election or before the 10th day after the election date
CCR's: 3.10: Signs
Political Signs: TX Property Code Section 202.009
Why am i being directed to the "Contact" Page?
When questions or issues arise on the Facebook group page, Nextdoor.com, or social media in general, the Board of Directors that are on said platforms try to be helpful as possible. However, there are some legal guidelines that have to be followed as HOA communications from a board member can be construed as being the voice of the Board. In addition, we always keep the privacy of homeowners in mind when disclosing information. With all of this, don’t be surprised if a Board of Directors member offers some factual information and kindly directs you to contact CAM for further information.
I just received a notice/violation. What now?
Notices and violations are sent out for one of two reasons. Our management company has either received a credible report or they have observed a compliance violation during one of their contracted drive throughs of our neighborhood.
Your next step depends on the situation.
This process of communicating your concerns or disagreements is extremely important as it not only allows your voice to be heard, but it provides valuable feedback to the management company and the Board.
Your next step depends on the situation.
- If you don't understand the notice, for any reason, reach out to the management company and request more information.
- If you understand the notice, but disagree with it you should also let the management company know to begin a conversation. A common example is sometimes a neighbor doesn't remove their trash/recycling/compost bins from the street in a timely manner, but the cans are on or near the property line and the violation got sent to the wrong homeowner.
- You understand the notice and agree with it. All you need to do here is simply comply with the notice. Using the example from #2, if they are your bins simply remove them from the street. Nothing further needs to be done.
This process of communicating your concerns or disagreements is extremely important as it not only allows your voice to be heard, but it provides valuable feedback to the management company and the Board.